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Encouraging judicial cooperation across borders | Second Transnational J-CAP Project Meeting

07 October 2022

On 20 September 2022 the second transnational J-CAP meeting took place in Amsterdam, with partners meeting to discuss judicial cooperation across borders as key to successful offender reintegration.

The J-CAP – Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions project was established as a transnational initiative taking steps to promote and facilitate the implementation of the EU’s Framework Decision 2008/947 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments and probation decisions. The main aim of the Framework Decision (FD) 947 is to ‘enhance the prospects of the sentenced person of being reintegrated into society’, by enabling the transfer of offenders and (conditional) sentences across EU borders, thus attempting to ensure the offender’s sentence is carried out in the country where they are most likely to successfully reintegrate into society.  The objective of the J-CAP project is to incentivize judges, prosecutors, and defense lawyers to consider using FD 947 in the sentencing process, as the Framework Decision has so far been largely underutilized as a tool for promoting successful reintegration.

You can read more about the J-CAP on the project website.


The meeting began with introductions of all the present partners from seven EU member states:

Representative of J-CAP project partners at the secodn J-CAP meeting Amsterdam

The Executive Director of the NHC, Kristen Meijer, welcomed all representatives, reiterating the NHC’s support for the project.

The J-CAP project is an important initiative that strengthens the European Rule of Law, by bringing EU Member States a little bit closer together.

The NHC was further represented by Fédi Hof, Marcela Rilovic and Koen Goei who are involved in the management of the project and particularly the Work Package on awareness raising.

Presentations of work packages

Afterwards, detailed presentations of J-CAP’s Work Packages were delivered by their respective leaders:

  • The IPS Innovative Prison Systems provided an overview of the project and the multiple and diverse planned activities and events;
  • Secondly, Institut De Formation Judiciaire presented the project management and coordination plan;
  • Thirdly, Institut De Formation Judiciaire and Innsbruck University shared their field network and research;
  • Subsequently, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee & European Strategies Consulting introduced the transnational awareness raising symposia;
  • Afterwards, IPS_Innovative Prison Systems displayed the strategical dissemination and exploitation programme.

Lastly IPS_Innovative Prison Systems presented J-CAP internal communication channel, which was followed by a debate and decision-making on additional relevant project matters.

J-CAP project meeting

Debate and decision-making at the J-CAP project meeting

Looking forward

Overall, the meeting was an informative and inspiring event, paving the way for successful future cooperation. As the project’s timeline spans over 2 years more meetings, conferences and events will certainly follow. The NHC is delighted to work on this project with such an international and diverse team of experts.

Read more about the project here.