
NHC 2019 Annual Report is Now Online

08 April 2020

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee 2019 Annual Report* is out now!

This year’s annual report looks at our work through the eyes of direct and indirect partners, and through our own reflections. You will get to know our four programmes: Access to Justice, Criminal Justice Reform, Human Rights Defence, and Integrity and Accountability. Through interviews with partners both in the Netherlands and abroad, and by speaking with our own staff members, we explore why we do the work we do, and what it is we are trying to achieve. We also present our activities and results from the previous year.

For over thirty years we have been working across the OSCE region on human rights and the rule of law. We look forward to continuing work towards our misison:

Building and securing justice and compliance with international human rights agreements.”

We hope you enjoy reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the NHC Newsletter to receive regular updates on our work.

*The current report presents our achievements throughout 2019, the Annual Accounts will be added in June. 

Portion of the NHC Annual Report 2019 Cover, designed by Paul Oram.