
“BALKANS ACT NOW!” publishes situation analysis of human trafficking

11 September 2013

The project “BALKANS ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW!”, of which the Netherlands Helsinki Committee is a partner, has published a detailed situation analysis of human trafficking in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Macedonia. The joint project aims to address the situation of human trafficking in these four states, as well as the rights of victims, and the contribution NGOs can have in strengthening democratisation processes and the rule of law.

The situation analysis published by “BALKANS ACT NOW!” identifies several key problems shared by each of the four states. These are the overall need to improve the protection of victim’s rights, including their access to compensation and the protection of their personal data, and the need to examine the role that corruption plays in facilitating trafficking and preventing the prosecution of traffickers. Other problems are the detainment of victims and the prosecution of victims for offences they committed as a direct result of their being trafficked. The identification and understanding of these issues are an integral part of the process of improving anti-trafficking responses throughout the region and the situation analysis will serve as the basis for the definition of priorities for the future implementation of the project.

[UPDATE – 9/9/2013]

On September 19th at Conference in Zagreb, Croatia, the NHC and its partners will present a Declaration on trafficking and the exploitation of human beings in the Balkan region. The Declaration – co-written by the Dutch and French Partners – will be signed by the 4 participating Balkan partners (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia) and will underline the international obligations and EU values and approaches of the 4 states.

The document will propose regional co-operation and mutual learning by identifying the top priority intervention areas. The 7 partners will continue their national, regional, and international co-operation in the anti-trafficking field in the next years and will promote concrete measures and standards, improve practices and mechanisms to tackle human trafficking by sharing knowledge and experience from different countries.

The Declaration is expected to be signed and supported by dozens of anti-trafficking organizations in South-East Europe.

[UPDATE – 23/9/2013]

The ‘Balkans Declaration on the suppression of trafficking and the exploitation of human beings’ has been signed! To read the Declaration, click here.

To read the “BALKANS ACT NOW!” situation analysis in its entirety, click here.

To read more about the project “BALKANS ACT NOW!” and how the NHC is contributing, click here.

To read more about the activities of the NHC and the projects it is involved in, click here.