
NHC and CILC: Quality standards in project acquisition

23 April 2014

In order to fulfil our mission to contribute to strengthening rule of law worldwide, we set and live up to high quality standards for the acquisition and management of our projects. Our commitment to successful international legal cooperation plays a major role in the way we and our partners respond to donor invitations.

More than a year ago, the NHC and the Center for Internation Legal Cooperation (CILC) have initiated a joint trajectory to professionalise the way we (jointly and separately) design and implement projects and programmes. Under this umbrella, we regularly organise joint workshops to brainstorm and discuss the further professionalisation of our project acquisition and management.

The most recent in this series of workshops took place on 17 March 2014 at the CILC office and was attended by the entire staff of both the NHC and CILC. The topic of the workshop was the importance of teamwork for succesful and high quality project acquisition. After an introductory presentation about key aspects and roles in the acquisition process, participants discussed our current strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. The findings of this workshop show that both CILC and NHC staff have a thorough understanding of the challenges related to sound project acquisition and management. Subsequent workshops will explore various aspects of the acquisition process in more detail, aiming to further harmonise it with the specific requirements of succesful project implementation.

You can view the presentation slides used in the workshop below: