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NHC Co-Organises a Conference on “Strengthening the Rule of Law: Ideals and Interests”

27 January 2017

The NHC is one of the co-organisers of the conference, in cooperation with the Ministry of Security and Justice (Directorate for European and International Cooperation), the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC), the Hague Institute for Global Justice and the T.M.C. Asser Institute.

The aim of the conference is to highlight the importance of strengthening the Rule of Law in third countries. It will not only focus on the gains enhanced capacities can bring to societies in the beneficent countries, but also on benefits for Dutch society in terms of safety, international cooperation, legal order and economic benefits.

Various themes related to strengthening the rule of law will be discussed during the conference, including fighting organised crime, human trafficking, radicalisation and foreign (terrorist) fighters, finding truth and legal culture in connection to international crime, border management, strengthening rehabilitation and the prison system and the measurability of strengthening the rule of law.

Former Minister of Justice professor Hirsch Ballin will be the key note speaker of the conference. Furthermore Maria Anne van Dijk (Head of Environmental Social & Ethical Risk & Policy, ABN AMRO) and Henk Visser (Programme manager Justice and Home Affairs – Western Balkan and Turkey, DG NEAR, European Commission) will speak.

Working group

The NHC will have an active role to play during the conference. It will be responsible for one of the working groups that will be held during the day: “Strengthening rehabilitation and the prison system” and co-organise together with CILC  a workshop on “Capacity building when targeting organised crime”. During the latter the NHC will share its experiences with combating human trafficking. NHC programme manager Julia Koster and Judge Kees Klomp will share their experiences in strengthening the capacities of the relevant judicial institutions to secure a more victim centred approach.

The working group on “Strengthening rehabilitation and the prison system” will touch on the way societies take care of the humane treatment of prisoners. What kind of measurements are taken in order to enable an active reintegration of former prisoners in societies in order to diminish recidivism? Dutch assistance aims to strengthen segments of the justice systems that are responsible for alternative punishments, detention and rehabilitation. This includes advising juridical authorities and, supervising and guiding community services. All these forms of assistance lead to a higher level of operational knowledge and knowledge of policies. In addition, it contributes to an active exchange of knowledge and reduces recidivism in potential EU member states. All these activities enhance Dutch and European security. The Executive Director of NHC, Pepijn Gerrits, will moderate this working group. The panel will consist of Saskia de Reuver (Dutch Custodial Institution), Raymond Swennenhuis (Dutch Probation Service) and Leo Tigges (Senior Advisor).