
NHC Will Attend a Conference on Capacity Building in the Justice and Security Sector

05 February 2018

The NHC is involved in the upcoming conference ´Making a difference, working together for sustainable capacity building in the justice and security sector´, scheduled to take place on the 14th of February.

The conference is organised by the European and International Affairs Department of the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands in conjunction with the NHC, the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC), the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims to provide attendees with unique insights into different aspects of capacity building, including sustainability and long-term impact, through a number of workshops and speeches delivered by experts in the field. During the event, the NHC will give a workshop focusing on cooperation in capacity building in the field of probation and alternative sanctions from the perspective of target countries, illustrating how a Dutch model can help to promote an individualised and tailored approach to sanctioning.

For more information, including registration and the full programme, please visit the event’s website. Please note that the deadline for registration is  the  7th of February.