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OSCE civil society parallel conference – human rights crisis in Belarus

06 December 2011

Almost a year has passed after the dramatic events of 19 December 2010 in the Republic of Belarus that gave rise to a new stage in the obliteration of fundamental rights and freedoms in this European country and OSCE member-state. It is with deep regret that we have to admit that throughout this past year the systemic crisis with regards to human rights has grown deeper and repressions are mounting up. We believe that the international community, including within the OSCE framework, so far proved powerless to prevent the deterioration of the situation and bring the situation back into the state when the international norms are observed. In this regard, we urge the OSCE and the international community in general to use more effective measures to influence the situation in the Republic of Belarus, that go beyond appeals and recommendations contained in reports and resolutions.

For more information read the resolution of the OSCE civil society parallel conference