
Come to the Interactive Tour: From Dictatorship to Democracy on Sept. 13!

04 September 2019

Date: 13 September 2019
Address: Buitenhof 33, 2513 AH The Hague
Tour Starting Times: 20:45 –  21:00 – 21:45 – 22:00

Have you ever wondered how nations transition between dictatorships and democracies? Have you ever questioned the strengths and weaknesses of democracies and how certain groups in society experience it? Are you interested in human rights and the people who are committed to defending them?

Well look no further than the Interactive Tour: From Dictatorship to Democracy !

Three human rights organisations based in The Hague (Justice and Peace Netherlands, NHC, and Hague Talks Youth) are teaming up for this year’s Night of Dictatorship.  We have put together a tour of the Gevangenpoort Museum. Come and listen to the stories of Albania’s transition in the post- Hoxha dictatorship. Learn about the work and experiences of a grassroots human rights defender from the Shelter City Network, who works to push the LGBTIQ agenda in Ukraine. Test your knowledge on dictatorship and democracies during a challenging quiz! Don’t miss your chance with these experiences and much more all while exploring a medieval prison!

This event will highlight some of the steps taken by different actors in society when moving towards or away from democracy. It will highlight some of the challenges actors address and showcase the fragility of democracy.

There will be four tours throughout the evening in English with Dutch hand-outs available.