18 November 2021

Milestone: Nationwide probation PR campaign set to roll out in Ukraine

5 Years of Probation Ukraine: How Has It Contributed to Safer Societies?

5 years after introducing a probation system in Ukraine, Probation in Ukraine together with the NHC and the CILC celebrated this anniversary with an open forum to look back on its first successes

Probation and Capacity Building in Europe: an Interview with Leading Probation Expert Anton van Kalmthout

Interview with Probation Expert Anton van Kalmthout shares his views probation and alternative sanctions, and penal reform in Europe.

Slovakia Takes Up EPTA Leadership to Work Towards Better Prisons

Meetings at the end of last year saw Slovakia take over leadership of the European Penitentiary Training Academies, a network that aims to improve cooperation amongst penitentiary training academies.

Mirlinda is Going to University!

After a sccessful fundraising campaign this summer, "Mirlina" has started university. She will be studying criminology.

Bringing Together Penitentiary Academy Experts to Improve Prison Education Across Europe 

International experts began work on a report on Europe’s most effective practices related to penitentiary training on leadership, dynamic security and managing difficult inmates.

Probation in Ukraine Contributing to Safer Society

Experts and practitioners in probation from the Netherlands and Latvia met with Ukrainian counterparts in an effort to push forward the probation system in Ukraine.

Dutch Government Policies on Life Imprisonment Should Be in Line with CoE Standards, NGOs argue

NGOs argue Dutch government should do more to bring policies on life imprisonment in line with Council of Europe Standards.

Come to the Interactive Tour: From Dictatorship to Democracy on Sept. 13!

The 2019 Night of Dicatorship takes place September 13. During the interactive tour there will be speakers from Albania and Ukraine, and a quiz on dicatorships and democraries.

Helping young detainees explore their hidden potential: An international training in Tirana

Albanian and Kosovar youth workers, prison staff and creative teachers came together in Tirana for a training organized by NHC and Young in Prison.