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13 May 2024

Urgent Call to Uphold Democracy and Human Rights in Georgia

Open Letter | Civil society organisations call on President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Japarov,to veto the draft law on ‘’foreign representatives’’

30+ civil society organisations including the NHC express support for Kyrgyzstan’s civil society

Civil Society Human Dimension Event | A Human Rights Tour of the OSCE Region

A civil society-led event bringing together human rights defenders from across the OSCE region in a “speed dating” format.

Increased pressure on EU values: Rule of Law report on the Netherlands

NHC's annual contribution to the European Commission’s reports on the state of the rule of law in the EU

Evaluation report | Call for proposals for rights-based organisations working against discrimination in Türkiye

Find out more about the six grassroots partners we will support as part of the "Together against Discrimination" project.

Catalysts of Change: Call for Proposals (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia)

Monitoring, Advocacy and Coalition Building for Women’s Rights, Environmental Justice & Anti-corruption Grassroots CSOs

Call for Proposals: Researchers Working on Discrimination in Turkey

The NHC is looking for researchers working on Discrimination in Turkey as part of our joint project: Together against discrimination, find out more on how to apply.

Call for Liaison Experts in ‘Catalyst of Change’ Project

The NHC is looking for liaison experts for the project “Catalyst of Change." Read more and apply before 1 June.

Call for proposals for Ukrainian CSOs Working on the Protection of Human Rights

We are looking for local experts in civil society work in Ukraine to support our EU-funded project aimed at strengthening the resilience of CSOs in the reality affected by the war. Find out more and apply before 24 May.

NGOs reageren op Kabinets reactie Motie Stoffer

Maatschappelijke organisaties waarschuwen voor glijdende schaal bij inperkingen. Lees onze gezamenlijke reactie.