08 September 2022
Best practices towards rehabilitative criminal justice in the Western Balkans
Working through discrimination using dialogue: Countering discrimination and protecting LGBTIQ+ rights in Albania
17 May 2022
We reflect on the impact of the “Countering discrimination and protecting LGBT rights in Albania” project in fostering a safer context for the Albanian LGBTIQ+ community.Towards a safe, stimulating and rehabilitative juvenile prison environment: TOPS! training
19 January 2022
At the NHC we were proud to hand out certificates to the staff members of the Juvenile Centre in Lipjan, Kosovo who completed their TOPs training, aimed at training prison staff to help incarcerated juveniles on their journey to rehabilitation. Reconnecting and working together: Reflections on Matra RoLT 2021 Alumni Day
04 November 2021
The NHC met with three Rule of Law training alumni who looked back on their experience and reflected on the recent RoLT Alumni event.The LGBTI+ Community Contribute to Society Just Like Everybody Else! – Awareness Raising Campaign Launched in Albania
02 July 2020
Albanian NGOs launched a video as the start of an awareness-raising campaign to portray the diversity within the LGBTI+ community and call for respect. Celebrating Virtual Pride During Lockdown in Albania
20 May 2020
Virtual pride took place in Tirana with solidarity acts for the LGBTQ community. The day kicked off a month of awareness raising on LGBTQ issues in Albania.Countering discrimination and protecting LGBTI rights in Albania: partners meet in Tirana
26 February 2019
Albanian and Dutch partners in the project 'Countering discrimination and protecting LGBTI rights in Albania' met recently to discuss the evolution of the project and to establish a working plan. Find out more about what was raised here.