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16 October 2013

Belarusian delegation to visit The Hague

Call against the use of psychiatry for political aims

The NHC joined a call by members of the Civic Solidarity Platform against increasing usage of methods of punitive psychiatry in a number of post-Soviet states.

CILC and the NHC support criminal justice reform in Mali

At the invitation of the Malian Ministry of Justice, CILC (Center for International Legal Cooperation) and the NHC visited Mali for the duration of two weeks as part of the first stage of a study on the nation's criminal justice system.

EU-Russia Civil Society Forum calls for cooperation and solidarity in face of worsening conditions

On 5-7 October EU-Russia Civil Society Forum held its 4th General Assembly in The Hague (the Netherlands). More than 120 civil society actors from Russia and EU member states gathered at the Assembly, including both members of the Forum and organisations having an observer status.

Education key in countering discrimination of LGBT persons

In a side event at the 2013 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee explored the role of education in the discrimination of LGBT persons.

Balkans ACT Now! presented at HDIM

In a statement on 30 September, the NHC presented the Balkans ACT Now! project at the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the OSCE.

NHC comments on Netherlands human rights policy

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee applauds the government statement that human rights are the cornerstone of the foreign policy of the Netherlands. For this statement to be made true, further integration of human rights in all aspects of foreign relations is needed.

NGO’s from EU states and Russia to meet in The Hague

From 5 till 7 October over 50 Russian Non-Governmental Organisations will visit The Hague to attend a Forum meeting with colleague organisations form the European Union. Important issues on the agenda are the mutual cooperation between these organisations and the relations between the Russian Federation and the EU.

Concern on legislative initiative in Kyrgyzstan to restrict NGO activity

The NHC joined an appeal by members of the Civic Solidarity Platform to parliament in Kyrgyzstan to reject a draft law that would restrict NGO activity.

Balkans Declaration signed in Zagreb!

The Balkans Declaration on Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings was signed on September 19, 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was organized under the project BALKANS ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW! of which the NHC is a partner.